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Susan Reed   

User's reviews

  • Uniquely Yours Tea Room THE BUTLER HOUSE


    I have had my 'bachelorette' party and baby shower at Uniquely Yours and both events were handled just wonderfully. Plus, my mother, sister and I have attended other daily teas numerous times because we thorooghly enjoy the tea, the food and the atmosphere. Thank you for a wonderful place to get away for a few hours!!

    Tearoom response:


    Thanks, for the kind words. It was our pleasure to do your shower. Best wishes to you and your groom to be, and the new baby! Please enjoy the quote I have chosen welcoming you to parenthood! Please enjoy!

    IWarmest Wishes,


    A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.

    Eda J. Le Shan