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Lisa DeSpain   

User's reviews

  • Alice's Tea Cup, Chapter I


    The best recommendation I can give for Alice's is that THIS is the place the locals return to over and over again. Whenever you talk to an Upper Westsider and mention Alice's, they immediately launch into a discussion about which scone is their favorite. 'Is it the pumpkin, no maybe the coconut almond, no maybe......”? Everyone on the Upper West Side has been to Alice's! And we go back often! Additionally, their knowledgeable staff was able to introduce me to new tea choices I'd never tried before, especially their wonderful selection of Red Teas. For those surprising negative reviewers I simply say (in my best New York accent) Please Stay Away! That way there's more for the rest of us! Oh, I must run. It's just about that time that Alice's scones some out of the oven and I can't wait to see what they have today!