User's reviews
Tea and Sympathy
I completely disagree with Sands up there - you must just expect everyone to bend over backwards for you, for the restaurant to revolve around YOU. I wonder how many times you've fought with servers over wanting different meal menus at the wrong time of a day. The rules are there for a reason. I've been to tea and sympathy I don't know HOW many times in the 6 years I've lived in New York, have taken countless out of towners and even one welshman there, and have never heard such dissatisfaction. I have found that it is a lovely, cozy place, with great English food, and sweet waitresses who will tell you they need to move you or need you to leave after a meal, but not in any manner that ever offends anyone rational. Like any New York restaurant, the servers are expecting a 20% tip. Like any New York restaurant, they don't encourage squatters. And unlike most restaurants anywhere, the owner is willing to stick up for her employees, which I think is great. Those ladies run around like crazy with all the little bits and pieces that go into serving tea and I have never once seen them drop anything or knock into anyone. And now, off of my rant. Although there is no fancy presentation to the tea or meals, they are very good, very filling. I particularly love the scones with clotted cream, and the lentil stew sheperd's croquette style served at dinner time. And if you have room the desserts are to die for. In the winter bundle up for your wait outside, and in the summer grab a quick iced soy drink across the street at the soy luck club to sip while you wait. If you really want to go to sit and read, go at an off hour - breakfast times are particularly easy to stay for awhile since all the tourists come for tea time and all the locals come for dinner or lunch. Cheers!