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Jeffrey Dallas Moore   

User's reviews

  • SensibiliTeas


    I suppose if one must be ruined it is best to be ruined by the best. At times I travel and have no choice but to buy tea elsewhere--never am I satisfied, never am I content. There is no comparison to all of that joy that I know provided by Sensibiliteas. With just one step across the threshold, all of my wants and needs for tea do lay to rest. When out and about oh so far from this home, at times I know not what to do, my tea cup all alone. Oh so many think: 'I know, why don't I open a teashop? How hard is that?' Tis harder than they think, but they care not. They care not for the tea, they care not for you, they care not for me. We these customers we must object, we must never settle for anything but the best. A time will come when where ever we stand upon this Earth so grand in a moments notice we can be drop-shipped tea from the greatest teashop in all the land, but until that time does come when I am far far from this teashop I call home, cold my soul wrapped in hotel sheets, dreaming of nothing but Sensibliteas.